This 2022-23 school year has been an exciting year for Parker Press. We had 8 new members join our team this year for a club total of 17 students including leadership. Together, our combined efforts have culminated into another very successful year!
What have we posted this year?
Since the first day of school on August 8th, 2022 we have published 117 posts consisting of 32 poems, 5 photo segments, 8 comics, 8 original memes,
How has the traffic on the website been?
Between the beginning of August and now, there have been 2,886 site sessions, an 11% increase from the 2021-22 school year and 1,818 unique visitors, a 38% increase.
The Insta Spiel
The Parker Press instagram page has been thriving this year. We have gained 28 followers since the start of school. Our goal for next year is to diversify our content on our page more by including more video content and ways to engage our followers. Some ideas we have are polls and of course more mini-mic interviews.
By far, one of the most interacted with post was Isabella Russo’s 52 questions with Vogue-style Member of the Month interview back in February. This abbreviated 5 question interview currently has 333 views (over 100 views more than our second most popular reel), 27 likes, and 6 comments. Check it out, and look out for more member of the month interviews in the coming school year!
Here are the top 5 most viewed articles of the year:
(Note: All articles are hyperlinked in the titles listed below)
By Elayna Henderson, Noah Nikolai, Toby Gordan, Ellarain Moore, & Matthew Shemwell
Every year Parker School hosts a 2-day interim period where every student in grade 6-12 gets the opportunity to participate in various activities around the island and even on Oahu. This year’s interim was packed full of amazing experiences for students from Wai a me ‘ai (a forest to farm experience) to the opportunity to visit the John A. Burns School of Medicine on Oahu, to a transformative “Boys to Men” trip. Check this article out to read all about a few of the offered interims.
By Parker Press (anonymous club members)
This is the second installation of Parker Press’ advice column that debuted just this March called Ask a Friend. We created this advice column with the intention to foster a designated safe space for peers to be open about things they might be struggling with or have questions about and give each other guidance. In this column our club members answer the questions “If I'm struggling to pick an outfit what should I do?” and “When is it ok to not compartmentalize emotions, and how can I unpack it?” There are now 5 weeks of advice published so be sure to check those out and stay tuned for more to come.
By Noah Nikolai
In this ongoing series Parker Press members interview teachers to help students get to know them better. Interviewers ask teachers questions about their childhood, how they got to where they are today, and any other quirks they're willing to share. This article highlighting Mr. Stephens is just one of several installations of this Get to Know series. We have also gotten to know Mr. Clarke, Mr. Ruderman, Ms. Rickards, Mr. Tichy, Ms. Smith, Mr. Rogers, and Mr. Po.
By Ava Harris
Microtrends are something that nearly everyone is guilty of taking part in, whether they realize it or not. In this comprehensive exposé, Ava articulates how microtrends have a macro impact on the environment. We can all do our part by making conscious choices when buying clothing if possible. But first and foremost we can educate ourselves about the consequences of the fast fashion industry, and this article is a great place to start!
By Parker Press (Collaborative club effort)
From making an epic promposal, to going to the beach after AP exams, the list goes on and on and there is no shortage of things to do before you graduate! This article is the most recent of the top 5 view articles of 2022 and it quickly climbed to the top. Shortly after its publication, advancement reached out to include the list on the admissions page of the Parker School website (scroll towards the bottom) to show prospective families what Parker School is all about!
Bonus: The Most viewed articles of all time
By Kaya Long
Last school year in World Literature the class of 2024 (the current juniors) were asked to craft their own comics inspired by the distinct style of Marjane Satrapi’s Persepolis, a graphic novel depicting her own childhood experiences growing up in Iran during the Islamic Revolution. Check this post out to see what they came up with!
By Noelani Mitchell
Beginning with an anecdotal scene that leaves the reader wondering what will happen next, this article has the perfect combination of background information/summary and evocative commentary. Noe has a distinctively magical way of weaving powerful language throughout her writing. Every sentence is crisp and clear, all while taking the reader on a wild roller coaster ride
1. The Beauty of an Object: Rhythm 0 by Marina Abramovic in the context of Womanhood and What It Means
By Violet Freeney
Since its initial publication a year and a half ago, this article has been viewed over 1,000 times, blowing all other postings in the history of Parker Press out of the water. Interestingly, this 2nd installation of Violet Freeney’s Womanhood and What It Means series has been discovered by a largely international audience from Poland to the Philippines. In this heart-wrenching and masterfully written exposé, Violet Freeney analyzes Rhythm 0, one of many installations in Marina Abramović’s Rhythm series. Marina Abramović is a Serbian performance artist who started this series driven by one burning question: What is human nature? Read the article to see the scathing truth revealed by Abramović’s artistic experiment.
Thank you to all of our committed members that have made this year so amazing! And of course, thank you to our viewers who come to read and interact with our content each posting. We appreciate your support! Look out for another year of Parker Press in the 2023-24 school year!