This year has been the happiest year of my life. Having an exchange year in Hawai’i would be incomplete without being a part of Parker School community.
Funny enough, I did not have any expectations about Parker before coming to this magical place, but after entering the school, a wave of welcome and acceptance went right through me. I remember the first day of school, when I realized how friendly and kind people are here and how much we can do to make this world a better place just because of our ability to spread love and happiness.
Coming from a different background and having a different story to share, I was amazed by the diversity this place has to offer. I feel blessed that I got to be involved in so many new activities and classes. I have met such wonderful people and heard such interesting stories. I got to share my culture and learn fascinating values of the society here. I got to be exposed to such unforgettable experiences and memories that will last forever.
Thank you Parker School for that! Thank you for making me happy and being interested in my story and the background I have. Thank you teachers for allowing me to see the other part of teaching—the part where teaching is about friendships and not necessarily just learning. Where instead of the student meeting the teacher, I met friends and people I could talk to for hours. Thank you for making me realize that life consists of beautiful memories, interesting stories, and amazing people.
Thank you friends for always supporting me and being there when needed. Thank you for all the memories we made together and thank you for appreciating my culture and beliefs I follow. You are one of the reasons why my year here has been extremely exciting and fulfilled with please-let-this-last-forever moments, activities and emotions. You are the fun part of this year and I hope this is just the beginning of our journey.
Thank you staff members for making my stay so welcoming. I have constantly felt safe and comfortable being in this place and I have always been able to reach out to anyone to feel supported and respected. I will forever remember your kind words and attitude you showed towards me. And I will always look back at Parker as my second home.
Thank you for this year and I am sure that I will visit this place again! A hui hou!
- Rolands